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May 1, 2020 | By D.E. Anderson

Why 1 John 5:7–8 is in the Bible

In recent months several of the Society’s supporters have written asking about the inclusion of 1 John 5.7–8, the so-called...


May 1, 2020 | By Dr David L. Brown

Why Battle Over Bible Versions

The Bible is the foundation of literally everything in New Testament Christianity! Therefore it is imperative that you have...


May 1, 2020 | By Dr. David L. Brown

“Christian” Gnosticisms Corruption of the Western/Alexandrian Manuscripts

There is a Gnostic Revival going on today. It has been fueled by the Gnostic fairy tale...


May 1, 2020 | By F. William Darrow

Is Inerrancy Enough?

After serving some 32 years as a pastor I have learned that things are constantly changing in the realm of the...


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