Read latest articles published by Dr. David L. Brown and others on the subject of Bible translation.

Why You Should Use The King James Bible

Webster Dictionary definition: "a rule or law, as of a church; standard for judgment, as the canons of art; the authorized books of the Bible, a bishop’s...

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The Geneva Bible

In the history of the English Bible, the Geneva Bible of 1560 stands alone in innovation and impact. It is a Bible of "firsts." To name just some of its innovations, the Geneva Bible is the...

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Science in the Bible

This is written to expose the lie that there is no science in the Bible. Although the terms in the Bible are not in modern technical language, they are nevertheless presented...

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Breaking the Code - The DaVinci Code

The DA Vinci Code is the wildly popular fiction novel by Dan Brown. To date, the book has sold 43 million copies and has been translated into 40 different languages. The movie, based on the book has proven to be a...

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Early Witnesses to the Received Text

This papyrus codex contains most of the Gospel of John and consists of 75 leaves and 39 unidentified fragments. The leaves are nearly rectangular measuring 6.4 inches high and 5.6 inches wide. The written pages are numbered consecutively from 1 to 34, 35 – 38 are...

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Why You Should Use The King James Bible

The battle over Bible versions rages on. However, I have settled that issue in my mind, based on the facts, many years ago. But, I know there are...

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Is Inerrancy Enough?

After serving some 32 years as a pastor I have learned that things are constantly changing in the realm of the...

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“Christian” Gnosticisms Corruption of the Western/Alexandrian Manuscripts

There is a Gnostic Revival going on today. It has been fueled by the Gnostic fairy tale...

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Why Battle Over Bible Versions

The Bible is the foundation of literally everything in New Testament Christianity! Therefore it is imperative that you have...

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Why 1 John 5:7–8 is in the Bible

In recent months several of the Society’s supporters have written asking about the inclusion of 1 John 5.7–8, the so-called...

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